The largest crowdfunding pledge management company, BackerKit, ran some numbers based on the thousands of campaigns they’ve worked with. According to their research, a Kickstarter project with a pre-launch page set up was 4 times more likely to successfully fund than a project that didn’t.
from Coolbacker
Personally, I was a little late to the pre-launch game. I’d recommend at least two months to begin promoting your Kickstarter campaign. I announced my Kickstarter project to coincide with International Women and Girls in Sports Day, Feb 3, 2021. My campaign launched Feb 14, 2021. That gave me less than two weeks. I don’t recommend my timeframe!
You are going to want to set up your project’s pre-launch page with the goal of getting people to sign up to be notified when your project has launched. Be sure to have a clear Call To Action on all your communication.
How to do this? Consider this to be the dry run of your Kickstarter marketing campaign.
You will want to use:
- Your marketing database to send out emails
- Your social media
- If you have a website with a blog, you will definitely want to use that
If you are giving yourself two months or more for your pre-launch campaign, I’d suggest using different aspects of your book to keep your messaging fresh.
Things to feature include:
- Book cover
- Video of your book that you made for your Kickstarter campaign
- Interior page or two if you have it
- Highlight your illustrator if you are using one