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Food for the Future: Sustainable Farms Around the World

Food for the Future by Mia Wenjen and Robert Sae-Heng cover reveal

Food for the Future by Mia Wenjen and Robert Sae-Heng cover revealFood for the Future: Sustainable Farms Around the World by Mia Wenjen, illustrated by Robert Sae-Heng, published by Barefoot Books

  • Junior Library Guild Gold Selection
  • Starred review from School Library Journal
  • dPICTUS 100 Outstanding Picture Books of 2023 and featured at the Bologna Children’s Book FairFood for the Future Star Review from School Library Journal

Kirkus says:

“A dozen sustainable farms around the world offer intriguing possibilities for the future of agriculture. Simple four-beat rhyming couplets concisely describe a plethora of farming methods old and new around the world, many of which will be especially useful in light of climate change. A salt farm on Kauai, an urban food forest in Nairobi, a Yemeni honey farm, a garden on the roof of Boston’s Fenway Park—all grow different edibles suited to their environment. A fish “farm” in Brazil is made up of the Enawenê-Nawê people’s handwoven fish traps held in place by a temporary dam. In contrast, the Solar Supertrees (among many vertical farms and gardens in Singapore) are technological marvels, providing solar power and collecting rainwater. A couple of underwater hydroponic biospheres in Italy and an Australian aquaculture oyster farm are followed by circular gardens in Senegal, “where Sahara and savanna meet,” and Indian dobas that collect water for dry-season use. A helpful feature of the book is the pronunciation guidance, and on every page, unobtrusive insets define terms like erosion, compost, brood, and sustainable. Attractive collagelike compositions use vivid blue, green, tan, and other hues to depict diverse people, with just enough detail to grab the eye. The backmatter puts the various farms on a world map and compresses into a few pages a lot of information on the farms and techniques. A unique introduction to traditional and innovative agricultural options.” [picture book for ages 3 and up]

To purchase:

 Amazon / Barefoot Books / Signed or Inscribed by Me


Food for the Future Kirkus Review

Food for the Future Book Trailer

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Chicago … Here I come!

ALA Chicago 2023 I'm presenting!

I’ll be presenting at the ALA Conference!

Name of Session: Sustainable Values in Children’s Literature

Sunday, June 25

1:30 PM – 2:20 PM

Exhibit Hall – Diversity in Publishing Stage (Booth 5240)

Continue reading Chicago … Here I come!

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Today is Food for the Future’s Book Birthday!

Food for the Future by Mia Wenjen and Robert Sae-Heng cover reveal

Food for the Future: Sustainable Farms Around the World by Mia Wenjen, illustrated by Robert Sae-Heng

Kirkus says:

“A dozen sustainable farms around the world offer intriguing possibilities for the future of agriculture. Simple four-beat rhyming couplets concisely describe a plethora of farming methods old and new around the world, many of which will be especially useful in light of climate change. Continue reading Today is Food for the Future’s Book Birthday!

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New Picture Book Announcement!

I am excited to announce a new picture book with Red Comet Press. We Sing from the Heart: How The Slants® Took Their Fight for Free Speech to the Supreme Court is a picture book biography about Simon Tam and his battle to claim the name of his band, which he won in a landmark Supreme Court Decision. Illustrated by Victor Bizar Gomez and written by Mia Wenjen,  the book releases Fall of 2024. Continue reading New Picture Book Announcement!

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Food for the Future selected by dPICTUS for 100 Outstanding Picture Books of 2023!

Food for the Future by Mia Wenjen and Robert Sae-Heng cover reveal

I’m excited to share that Food for the Future: Sustainable Farms Around the World was selected by dPICTUS for their list of 100 Outstanding Picturebooks of 2023!  dPICTUS is an online platform used by publishers to promote their titles, secure foreign rights deals, discover emerging talent, and make new publishing connections to meet at book fairs. Continue reading Food for the Future selected by dPICTUS for 100 Outstanding Picture Books of 2023!

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Food for the Future is a Junior Library Guild Selection!

I’m thrilled to announce my first children’s book award ever! My book even gets a gold sticker!

For those who are not familiar with Junior Library Guild, they are a curating subscription service for libraries. Their team of expert librarians reads children’s books before they are published to pick “award-worthy and award-winning titles for libraries across the country. They have a track record to back this up. Continue reading Food for the Future is a Junior Library Guild Selection!

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Food for the Future COVER REVEAL!

Food for the Future by Mia Wenjen and Robert Sae-Heng cover reveal

Food for the Future: Sustainable Farms Around the World by Mia Wenjen, illustrated by Robert Sae-Heng releases Spring of 2023 through Barefoot Books.

This is a rhyming picture book featuring twelve unusual farms around the world. From vertical gardens in Singapore to ancient terrace farms in Chile, humans have innovated with sustainable farms throughout history. How do we feed our planet? Here are 12 ways we can grow food while caring for our planet! [picture book, ages 3 and up] Continue reading Food for the Future COVER REVEAL!